04-15 09:00 PM
Congratulations !!! I am very happy for you!
Hi folks,
Just got back from UK on Friday after a month of family time, medicals and our embassy interview! Wanted to let you all know that we were approved and happily back in the US!!
Congrats on the latest admin wins and movements in campaigns/projects. I wanted to say a huge thank you but not farewell to the many kind folks who kept my spirits high in the short time I have been with IV:
abhijitp, needhelp, digital2k, paskal, gsc999, waiting4gc, pappu, chanduv23, santb1975, nolaindian32, walking dude, ja1hind, logiclife and many more. All of you rock and America is very lucky to have such genuine and brilliant people like you. I wish you the very best for your own journey.
I will be around for sure, just have to concentrate on securing some work and life for a bit, finally!
my best :)
Hi folks,
Just got back from UK on Friday after a month of family time, medicals and our embassy interview! Wanted to let you all know that we were approved and happily back in the US!!
Congrats on the latest admin wins and movements in campaigns/projects. I wanted to say a huge thank you but not farewell to the many kind folks who kept my spirits high in the short time I have been with IV:
abhijitp, needhelp, digital2k, paskal, gsc999, waiting4gc, pappu, chanduv23, santb1975, nolaindian32, walking dude, ja1hind, logiclife and many more. All of you rock and America is very lucky to have such genuine and brilliant people like you. I wish you the very best for your own journey.
I will be around for sure, just have to concentrate on securing some work and life for a bit, finally!
my best :)
wallpaper Layout And Design Master DVD
01-21 11:37 AM
I had a doctor's appointment today and my doc asked if I had read this article: Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior - ( and if I agreed with the author (coming from an asian/indian family)
What do you think?
Has it anything to do with immigration??
It will only start a fight between members on parenting style.. and a bitter fight at that.
If u like the article you are free to raise your children like that.
Read this to know what your children will think of you when they grow up ...
What do you think?
Has it anything to do with immigration??
It will only start a fight between members on parenting style.. and a bitter fight at that.
If u like the article you are free to raise your children like that.
Read this to know what your children will think of you when they grow up ...
09-01 11:08 AM
What's particularly interesting is the number of 'scare words' used in this selected testimony on aspects of the CIR bill. Its a lot like Loo Dobbs "War" on the middle class. Its clear CIS, Nusa, FAIR provide the script to him on immigration matters. I knew Loo wasn't that creative in the first place
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, Ranking Members Conyers and Jackson Lee, members of Congress, distinguished members of the panel, ladies and gentlemen. It is a distinct honor and privilege to provide testimony at this hearing because the topic of the hearing is of truly critical significance. We are here to avert what I believe would be a catastrophe for the United States. The United States Senate passed a bill, S. 2611, that would provide incentives for a massive influx of illegal aliens, aided, abetted and induced to violate our nation’s immigration laws at a time that our nation is confronting the continuing threat of terrorism and the increasing involvement of violent gangs, comprised predominantly of deportable aliens, in a wide variety of violent crimes committed against our nation’s citizens. It is of critical importance that this hearing and others like it, illuminate why S. 2611 would expose our nation to unreasonable vulnerabilities especially in the post-9/11 world.
A nation’s primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens and yet, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the members of the Senate who voted for S. 2611 are seemingly oblivious to the lessons that the disastrous amnesty of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) should have taught us. That piece of legislation lead to the greatest influx of illegal aliens in the history of our nation. Fraud and a lack of integrity of the immigration system not only flooded our nation with illegal aliens who ran our borders, hoping that what had been billed as a “one time” amnesty would be repeated, but it also enabled a number of terrorists and many criminals to enter the United States and then embed themselves in the United States.
A notable example of such a terrorist can be found in a review of the facts concerning Mahmud Abouhalima, a citizen of Egypt who entered the United States on a tourist visa, overstayed his authorized period of admission and then applied for amnesty under the agricultural worker provisions of IRCA. He succeeded in obtaining resident alien status through this process. During a 5 year period he drove a cab and had his license suspended numerous times for violations of law and ultimately demonstrated his appreciation for our nation’s generosity by participating in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that left 6 people dead, hundreds of people injured and an estimated one half billion dollars in damage inflicted, on that iconic, ill-fated complex. America had opened its doors to him so that he might participate in the “American Dream.” He turned that dream into our worst nightmare. The other terrorists who attacked our nation on subsequent attacks, including the attacks of September 11, 2001, similarly exploited our generosity, seeing in our nation’s kindness, weakness, gaming the immigration system to enter our country and then, hide in plain sight, among us.
As I recall, when IRCA was proposed, one of the selling points was that along with amnesty for what was believed to have been a population of some 1.5 million illegal aliens would be a new approach to turn off what has been described as the “magnet” that draws the majority of illegal aliens into the United States in the first place, the prospect of securing employment in the United States. In order to accomplish this important goal, IRCA imposed penalties against those unscrupulous employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. My former colleagues and I were pleased to see that under the employer sanctions of IRCA, the unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens would be made accountable, or so we thought. We were frustrated that we had seen all too many employers hire illegal aliens and treat them horrendously They paid them sub-standard wages and created unsafe, indeed hazardous working conditions for the illegal aliens they hired, knowing full well that these aliens would not complain because they feared being reported to the INS. Meanwhile the employer would not face any penalty for his outrageous conduct. Finally, it seemed that the employer sanctions provisions of IRCA would discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens and would also make it less likely they would treat their employees as miserably as some of these employers did.
Of course, we now know that the relative handful of special agents who were assigned to conduct investigations of employers who hired illegal aliens made it unlikely that employers would face a significant risk of being caught violating these laws and that they would face an even smaller chance of being seriously fined. Furthermore, the way that the amnesty provisions of the law were enacted simply created a cottage industry of fraud document vendors who provided illegal aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and supporting documents to enable the illegal alien population to circumvent the immigration laws. Ultimately approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens emerged from the infamous shadows to participate in the amnesty program of 1986. I have never seen an explanation for the reason that more than twice as many aliens took advantage of the 1986 amnesty than was initially believed would but I believe that two factors came into play. It may well be that the number of illegal aliens in the country was underestimated. I also believe, however, that a large number of illegal aliens were able to gain entry into the United States long after the cutoff point and succeeded in making false claims that they had been present in the country for the requisite period of time.
To put this in perspective, I have read various estimates about the number of illegal aliens who are currently present in the United States. These estimates range from a low of 12 million to a high of 20 million. If, for argument sake, we figure on a number of 15 million illegal aliens, or ten times the number that had been estimated prior to the amnesty of 1986, and if the same sort of under counting occurs and if a comparable percentage of aliens succeed in racing into the United States and making a false claims that they had been here for the necessary period of time to be eligible to participate in the amnesty program that the Reid-Kennedy provisions would reward illegal aliens with, then we might expect some 35 million illegal aliens will ultimately participate in this insane program. Once they become citizens they would then be eligible to file applications to bring their family members to the United States, flooding our nation with tens of millions of additional new lawful immigrations while our nation’s porous borders, visa waiver program and extreme lack of resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States would allow many millions of illegal aliens to continue to enter the United States in violation of law.
The utterly inept and incompetent USCIS, which is now unable to carry out it’s most basic missions with even a modicum of integrity would undoubtedly disintegrate. The system would simply implode, crushed by the burden of its vicious cycle of attempting to deal with an ever increasing spiral of rampant fraud thereby encouraging still more fraudulent applications to be filed. Terrorists would not find gaming this system the least bit challenging and our government will have become their unwitting ally, providing them with official identity documents in false names and then, ultimately, providing them with the keys to the kingdom by conferring resident aliens status and then, United States citizenship upon those who would destroy our nation and slaughter our citizens.
I hope that this doomsday scenario will not be permitted to play out.
Insanity has been described as doing the same things the same way and expecting a different result. Where our nation’s security is concerned it would be indeed, insane to ignore the lessons of IRCA.
When I was a boy my dad used to tell me that there were no mistakes in life, only lessons, provided we learn from what goes wrong and make the appropriate changes in the way we do things. However, to repeat the same mistakes was to him and to me, simply unforgivable.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, I commend your leadership in calling this hearing to make certain that these concerns are made public and are taken into account, especially as we approach the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 and our nation continues to grapple with the immigration crisis.
America is at historic crossroads at this moment in time. Courageous decisions need to be made by our nation’s leaders. If our nation fails to select the proper path, there will be no going back. If our nation decides to provide amnesty to millions of undocumented and illegal aliens, I fear that our national security will suffer irreparable harm as we aid and abet alien terrorists who seek to enter our country and embed themselves within it in preparation for the deadly attacks they would carry out. The priority must be clear, national security must be given the highest consideration and priority where the security of our nation’s borders and the integrity of the immigration system are concerned.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, Ranking Members Conyers and Jackson Lee, members of Congress, distinguished members of the panel, ladies and gentlemen. It is a distinct honor and privilege to provide testimony at this hearing because the topic of the hearing is of truly critical significance. We are here to avert what I believe would be a catastrophe for the United States. The United States Senate passed a bill, S. 2611, that would provide incentives for a massive influx of illegal aliens, aided, abetted and induced to violate our nation’s immigration laws at a time that our nation is confronting the continuing threat of terrorism and the increasing involvement of violent gangs, comprised predominantly of deportable aliens, in a wide variety of violent crimes committed against our nation’s citizens. It is of critical importance that this hearing and others like it, illuminate why S. 2611 would expose our nation to unreasonable vulnerabilities especially in the post-9/11 world.
A nation’s primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens and yet, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the members of the Senate who voted for S. 2611 are seemingly oblivious to the lessons that the disastrous amnesty of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) should have taught us. That piece of legislation lead to the greatest influx of illegal aliens in the history of our nation. Fraud and a lack of integrity of the immigration system not only flooded our nation with illegal aliens who ran our borders, hoping that what had been billed as a “one time” amnesty would be repeated, but it also enabled a number of terrorists and many criminals to enter the United States and then embed themselves in the United States.
A notable example of such a terrorist can be found in a review of the facts concerning Mahmud Abouhalima, a citizen of Egypt who entered the United States on a tourist visa, overstayed his authorized period of admission and then applied for amnesty under the agricultural worker provisions of IRCA. He succeeded in obtaining resident alien status through this process. During a 5 year period he drove a cab and had his license suspended numerous times for violations of law and ultimately demonstrated his appreciation for our nation’s generosity by participating in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that left 6 people dead, hundreds of people injured and an estimated one half billion dollars in damage inflicted, on that iconic, ill-fated complex. America had opened its doors to him so that he might participate in the “American Dream.” He turned that dream into our worst nightmare. The other terrorists who attacked our nation on subsequent attacks, including the attacks of September 11, 2001, similarly exploited our generosity, seeing in our nation’s kindness, weakness, gaming the immigration system to enter our country and then, hide in plain sight, among us.
As I recall, when IRCA was proposed, one of the selling points was that along with amnesty for what was believed to have been a population of some 1.5 million illegal aliens would be a new approach to turn off what has been described as the “magnet” that draws the majority of illegal aliens into the United States in the first place, the prospect of securing employment in the United States. In order to accomplish this important goal, IRCA imposed penalties against those unscrupulous employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. My former colleagues and I were pleased to see that under the employer sanctions of IRCA, the unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens would be made accountable, or so we thought. We were frustrated that we had seen all too many employers hire illegal aliens and treat them horrendously They paid them sub-standard wages and created unsafe, indeed hazardous working conditions for the illegal aliens they hired, knowing full well that these aliens would not complain because they feared being reported to the INS. Meanwhile the employer would not face any penalty for his outrageous conduct. Finally, it seemed that the employer sanctions provisions of IRCA would discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens and would also make it less likely they would treat their employees as miserably as some of these employers did.
Of course, we now know that the relative handful of special agents who were assigned to conduct investigations of employers who hired illegal aliens made it unlikely that employers would face a significant risk of being caught violating these laws and that they would face an even smaller chance of being seriously fined. Furthermore, the way that the amnesty provisions of the law were enacted simply created a cottage industry of fraud document vendors who provided illegal aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and supporting documents to enable the illegal alien population to circumvent the immigration laws. Ultimately approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens emerged from the infamous shadows to participate in the amnesty program of 1986. I have never seen an explanation for the reason that more than twice as many aliens took advantage of the 1986 amnesty than was initially believed would but I believe that two factors came into play. It may well be that the number of illegal aliens in the country was underestimated. I also believe, however, that a large number of illegal aliens were able to gain entry into the United States long after the cutoff point and succeeded in making false claims that they had been present in the country for the requisite period of time.
To put this in perspective, I have read various estimates about the number of illegal aliens who are currently present in the United States. These estimates range from a low of 12 million to a high of 20 million. If, for argument sake, we figure on a number of 15 million illegal aliens, or ten times the number that had been estimated prior to the amnesty of 1986, and if the same sort of under counting occurs and if a comparable percentage of aliens succeed in racing into the United States and making a false claims that they had been here for the necessary period of time to be eligible to participate in the amnesty program that the Reid-Kennedy provisions would reward illegal aliens with, then we might expect some 35 million illegal aliens will ultimately participate in this insane program. Once they become citizens they would then be eligible to file applications to bring their family members to the United States, flooding our nation with tens of millions of additional new lawful immigrations while our nation’s porous borders, visa waiver program and extreme lack of resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States would allow many millions of illegal aliens to continue to enter the United States in violation of law.
The utterly inept and incompetent USCIS, which is now unable to carry out it’s most basic missions with even a modicum of integrity would undoubtedly disintegrate. The system would simply implode, crushed by the burden of its vicious cycle of attempting to deal with an ever increasing spiral of rampant fraud thereby encouraging still more fraudulent applications to be filed. Terrorists would not find gaming this system the least bit challenging and our government will have become their unwitting ally, providing them with official identity documents in false names and then, ultimately, providing them with the keys to the kingdom by conferring resident aliens status and then, United States citizenship upon those who would destroy our nation and slaughter our citizens.
I hope that this doomsday scenario will not be permitted to play out.
Insanity has been described as doing the same things the same way and expecting a different result. Where our nation’s security is concerned it would be indeed, insane to ignore the lessons of IRCA.
When I was a boy my dad used to tell me that there were no mistakes in life, only lessons, provided we learn from what goes wrong and make the appropriate changes in the way we do things. However, to repeat the same mistakes was to him and to me, simply unforgivable.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, I commend your leadership in calling this hearing to make certain that these concerns are made public and are taken into account, especially as we approach the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 and our nation continues to grapple with the immigration crisis.
America is at historic crossroads at this moment in time. Courageous decisions need to be made by our nation’s leaders. If our nation fails to select the proper path, there will be no going back. If our nation decides to provide amnesty to millions of undocumented and illegal aliens, I fear that our national security will suffer irreparable harm as we aid and abet alien terrorists who seek to enter our country and embed themselves within it in preparation for the deadly attacks they would carry out. The priority must be clear, national security must be given the highest consideration and priority where the security of our nation’s borders and the integrity of the immigration system are concerned.
2011 Company Profile
05-12 03:58 PM
Yeah but then that is a nice free luch for those who do not contribute. The motto will become, just sit back and relax and let the other fools do the hard work and spend their hard earned money.
07-09 01:31 PM
upgraded on June25 to PP got status changed on 30th. Received approval notice by attorney on July 6th
Was this at TSC, mine is at NSC. My First I140 was approved, My company refiled after acquisition (successor in interest) and later upgraded to Premium
Was this at TSC, mine is at NSC. My First I140 was approved, My company refiled after acquisition (successor in interest) and later upgraded to Premium
08-30 08:29 PM
There are 2 processing centers - Atlanta and Chicago...but all the audited cases can be processed only at Atlanta, i.e chicago audited cases will be transferred to Atlanta....
I believe there is only one processing center for PERM now. Only Atlanta is doing the PERM processing. All cases are trasfered to atlanta from chicago. Thats what I heared from Ron Gocher.
There are 2 processing centers - Atlanta and Chicago...but all the audited cases can be processed only at Atlanta, i.e chicago audited cases will be transferred to Atlanta....
I believe there is only one processing center for PERM now. Only Atlanta is doing the PERM processing. All cases are trasfered to atlanta from chicago. Thats what I heared from Ron Gocher.
06-15 11:26 PM
I think your best bet would be that your parents apply for visa alone. I believe this will improve their chances of getting visa and once they get the visa then your siblings can apply. Good luck!
I think your best bet would be that your parents apply for visa alone. I believe this will improve their chances of getting visa and once they get the visa then your siblings can apply. Good luck!
2010 Company Profile
03-26 09:51 PM
okies, add me please.. thanks!
08-13 08:39 PM
as i said
maybe he has been hired by some south african don to predict cricket stats for betting
or maybe some italian mob has him by the nuts to pick lotto numbers.
and he is now going to get south african GC for his "outstanding ability"
I am saying this without much research BUT I do recollect rave reviews about VDL Rao.
In past, Googler, Conshell etc. have done a good job of investigative journalism (name check memo and other critical updates). Discovering VDL rao would be blessing for some sort of hunch on Visa number availability. He has apparently commanded our respect.
Some guesstimate is better than utter confusion.
We need you Mr. Rao. Help us in our journey from darkness to light.... an eventual green light!
maybe he has been hired by some south african don to predict cricket stats for betting
or maybe some italian mob has him by the nuts to pick lotto numbers.
and he is now going to get south african GC for his "outstanding ability"
I am saying this without much research BUT I do recollect rave reviews about VDL Rao.
In past, Googler, Conshell etc. have done a good job of investigative journalism (name check memo and other critical updates). Discovering VDL rao would be blessing for some sort of hunch on Visa number availability. He has apparently commanded our respect.
Some guesstimate is better than utter confusion.
We need you Mr. Rao. Help us in our journey from darkness to light.... an eventual green light!
hair SysMerica Corporate Profile
05-14 12:19 PM
Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feeling also.
Morning is over. We all are in mourning since the bulletin went out...
Morning is over. We all are in mourning since the bulletin went out...
03-24 03:12 PM
I am looking for some serious help and advice here , I hate to see any non-immigrant in US in my circumstances .Here some information about it , My company has sponsored my work visa , soon I entered into they customs and Immigration there is some mistake with my paper work , and they charged me and later deported me .In the middle we came to know the company has sponsored some other people B/J visas for their own benefits and officers acted so racially .when i got deported they never issued my passport back , I keep on calling them now , they always say , They can't hear , some times they mention call after 5 mins , 1hr .I am so vexed with all they do , I felt so victim in this . Please advice me can i get my passport back, and my case is in pending appeal , before I got deported
How did you board the plane with out a passport? Which country let you in with out it?
How did you board the plane with out a passport? Which country let you in with out it?
hot This design priorite some
04-10 10:41 AM
I am not sure how to set up a poll question
Can any one who knows how to do it set up a poll question
Have changed job using AC21, after having approved I140 and > 180 days of 485 application?
1. Invoked AC21
2. Invoked AC21 and H1B transfer
3. Did not inoked AC21 but only H1B Transfer
4. Did not change JOB
Can you any one please set up this poll question
Can any one who knows how to do it set up a poll question
Have changed job using AC21, after having approved I140 and > 180 days of 485 application?
1. Invoked AC21
2. Invoked AC21 and H1B transfer
3. Did not inoked AC21 but only H1B Transfer
4. Did not change JOB
Can you any one please set up this poll question
house The new layout might not be
10-05 09:41 AM
The best way to first start the changes to happen is to file a law suit against USCIS. If we can find a bunch of people would have the same kind of application credentials and different PD were the later PD application was approved we can sue USCIS for losses in personal life and career due to their ineffeciency.
How many of you would be intersted in a law suit like this. If we have even a hunder people to file a law suit we will get more media publicity and our problem will get more recogniction than rallies and lobbying.
How many of you would be intersted in a law suit like this. If we have even a hunder people to file a law suit we will get more media publicity and our problem will get more recogniction than rallies and lobbying.
tattoo Home | Company Profile
12-15 10:13 AM
1 genius said "kaplan doesnt issue I-20's anymore."
so Does anybody know anywhere else can issue I-20 ?
2 Good question : Are you sure than ,while the H1B is being processed ,you can live here legally?
looking for answer ,too. Thanks a lot !
so Does anybody know anywhere else can issue I-20 ?
2 Good question : Are you sure than ,while the H1B is being processed ,you can live here legally?
looking for answer ,too. Thanks a lot !
pictures FAQ middot; Company Profile
12-10 03:08 PM
To keep your AOS all you need is to make sure your new job has the same or similar occupational code. H1b transfer does not matter.
dresses to sort by usiness type,
09-01 06:02 PM
The testimony only goes to show how much MORE incompetent USCIS is going to become if CIR passes... 35 million applications + more!!!!
Why bother with paperwork, wave some hands and declare all of them legal.
Why bother with paperwork, wave some hands and declare all of them legal.
makeup Custom Profile Design - The
04-15 01:58 AM
You have no idea how I am desperate and will appreciate your help.
I basically get a 0 1 visa to work for a first employer. Then I get another job offer and leaved the first employer who revoked my initial visa.
The new employer was supposed to apply for a new visa for me but he never did it. He get debts problems and laid off half of the company including me.
My only visa has really been revoked so I really overstayed 7 months.
Today I got another job offer with a new sponsorship so I saw several attorneys and some of them said nothing was possible to do and some said it was maybe possible to fix the overstay.
Today I have to take a decision, go thought this new job offer and take the risk to never get the visa and then the job - or forget about it, leave the US right now and think about the USA in 3 years.
Please help me - what do you think I should do? Is it really impossible to get an overstay waiver with a new petitioner?
Thanks a lot for your advises
You have no idea how I am desperate and will appreciate your help.
I basically get a 0 1 visa to work for a first employer. Then I get another job offer and leaved the first employer who revoked my initial visa.
The new employer was supposed to apply for a new visa for me but he never did it. He get debts problems and laid off half of the company including me.
My only visa has really been revoked so I really overstayed 7 months.
Today I got another job offer with a new sponsorship so I saw several attorneys and some of them said nothing was possible to do and some said it was maybe possible to fix the overstay.
Today I have to take a decision, go thought this new job offer and take the risk to never get the visa and then the job - or forget about it, leave the US right now and think about the USA in 3 years.
Please help me - what do you think I should do? Is it really impossible to get an overstay waiver with a new petitioner?
Thanks a lot for your advises
girlfriend overall layout design for
05-22 12:01 PM
I think it would be best if they allow us to apply for 485 regardless of priority date once 140 is approved .
I think the chances of that happening are very slim.
The general opinion is, EAD + AP is really not very different from the green card, especially after the introduction of AC21. This is why there is a "qualifying factor" for 485 applications - the PD should be current to just get into the queue.
Allowing 485 applications when PDs are not current is dangerously close in effect to removing the GC Quota and for this reason, it is unlikely to happen.
I think the chances of that happening are very slim.
The general opinion is, EAD + AP is really not very different from the green card, especially after the introduction of AC21. This is why there is a "qualifying factor" for 485 applications - the PD should be current to just get into the queue.
Allowing 485 applications when PDs are not current is dangerously close in effect to removing the GC Quota and for this reason, it is unlikely to happen.
hairstyles Company List Sorting
04-06 02:07 PM
For those who have Labor Sub and used AC21 to port on...
The Insightful Immigration Blog � Commentaries on Immigration Policy, Cases and Trends (
The Insightful Immigration Blog � Commentaries on Immigration Policy, Cases and Trends (
03-06 12:42 PM
My Company is switching me to EAD and will cancel my H1. Saying that H1 is more expensive to maintain... They'll pay for my EAD renewal also... Anyway don't have a choice here unless I switch...
My question is that my lawyer told that Iam allowed to work up to 120 days post EAD expiry if EAD renewal is delayed... They'll file 90 days before current EAD expiry..
Does this sound okay.. Anyone heard anywhere that its allowed to work upto 120 days of EAD expiry pending EAD renewal??
My question is that my lawyer told that Iam allowed to work up to 120 days post EAD expiry if EAD renewal is delayed... They'll file 90 days before current EAD expiry..
Does this sound okay.. Anyone heard anywhere that its allowed to work upto 120 days of EAD expiry pending EAD renewal??
08-22 03:34 PM
Yes. I will share the bus ride from Buffalo, NY.
saravanaraj -
Would you consider riding a bus?
Please vote!
saravanaraj -
Would you consider riding a bus?
Please vote!
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